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Found old Birthday Party Photo
davidNo CommentsWow, this photo is a blast from the past. I don’t recall what birthday it was but i know that we lost all friendships when starting school so it must have been primary school age....
I don’t believe in ghosts…but
davidNo CommentsWe are talking 30 years ago now and I remember it as clear as day. My Dad had purchased an old mining cottage in Old Brighton near Coedpoeth. It was set out at the top...
Abergele British Legion
davidNo CommentsApologies as I just cannot find a photo of the Old Abergele British Legion apart from a burnt out shell of a building which was always quite suss. Spent quite a few years in the...
Dr Deaths House, Russell Road, Rhyl??
davidNo CommentsSomething I’ve always wanted to find out about a building in Rhyl in early to mid 80s. Russell road there is a white building near the back of the Halifax. I remember there used to...
William Roberts Pet Shop Rhyl
davidNo CommentsInteresting find the other day on Rhyl History Club website. I remember in the 80s there was a large Pet Shop named ‘William Roberts’ at the bottom of the bridge in Rhyl. I was shocked...
First Trainers ever purchased which started an addiction!
adminNo CommentsI can still remember my first trainers I purchased in Rhyl in the 80s. I used to walk past these beautiful trainers every day after school. Had two work 2 months with my Dad at...
My first single yet it didn’t go to No. 1
adminNo CommentsI remember buying ‘Vienna – Ultravox’ on a 7″ single and it was the first vinyl single I had ever bought. My sister got the single ‘Shaddap your face’ which was a comedy record and...
Rhyl Fun Fair 1980s
michaelNo CommentsAhhh, the funfair, Rhyl back in the 80s. What a time to be in Rhyl. You could start your walk from the Bright Spot Arcade and the the walk all the way up to the...
Royal Alex Hospital Rhyl and Flying Fox
michaelNo CommentsThe Royal Alexander Hospital situated in the east end of Rhyl is a beautiful old victorian building. I was intigued with regards to the hsitory of the building. I remeber someone telling me years ago...
My Visit to Gwyrch Castle
davidNo CommentsI love visiting Castles around the UK and thought i would visit Gwyrch Castle which is located in Abergele, North Wales. I was quite dissapointed to find out that it is not actually a Castle...
Birth of my daughter and What can i do…
davidNo CommentsI made a CD of mixed music to play for when my daughter was being born. She was born to a very special song “The Coors – What can I do” so that song has...
Stantons Cafe, Rhyl in the 80s
adminNo CommentsWe used to love that Cafe in Rhyl. I think I must have been about 12 and my sister 10. In the Summer Holidays our dear Aunt Nell used to catch the bus down from...