We are MemoryTag
Throughout our lives we gather memories, some new…some old, some good and some bad but memories can make us smile in the saddest of times. Anything can provoke our memories, photos, smells, music, books…
We could be standing at a bus stop in the pouring down rain and a memory will pop in to our heads and a beaming smile will suddenly appear on our face as we remember and relive that memory.
The saddest part, is when we pass away or our minds seem to slow down then our memories slowly disappear…all those good and even bad memories are gone forever. Some of the most interesting conversations I have had throughout my life have been with older people telling me their memories and stories about the town or county i lived in etc and then me being able to pass it on as i get older.
So, I wanted somewhere so that we could all store our memories that we can relive or share with future generations. I hope you find the memories you are looking for as I do too. Maybe you could even request memories about people, towns, buildings etc That might be something i build into the website in the near future.

Charlie Boy (June 2019 – Mar 2022)
‘Until we meet again my Soul Friend’