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The Original Rhyl Library
baileyNo CommentsI remember as a child the original Rhyl Library was in the town hall opposite the police station. Was a great place to go and spend some time and marvel at all the books. I...
Uncle Erics, Rhyl Seafront
baileyNo CommentsUncle Erics was a lifetime adventure when you were a kid. Stationed near the lifeboat station in Rhyl on the promenade, you used to buy your money and you could choose anything to ride that...
80s in Chester Park
davidNo CommentsGoing back quite a while now (probably 18ish years ago), I got the opportunity to go to an 80s band reunion in Chester Park. ABC, Heaven 17 and Spandau Ballet were playing. Being an 80s...
Wimpy Burgers, Rhyl
adminNo CommentsThe Best Burgers in Rhyl back in the 80s! I think i used to have a halfpounder with cheese and it would fill me up for days! If i remember rightly ‘The Wimpy’ used to...
Rhyl Arcades 1980s
adminNo CommentsIf you lived in Rhyl in the 80s you and your mates spent most of your free time in the arcades. Whether playing the best fruit machine ever ‘super lineup’, or doing the ratty gambles...
Funny way to remember Def Jam Record
baileyNo CommentsIt’s funny how certain memories stick with you. I remember being in 6th form in school and having a rare Def Jam 12″ Vinyl Record. This lad i knew in the 6th form begged me...
Dolawen Nurses Home, Rhyl
adminNo CommentsI’ve been trying to find out for weeks what this building was called. I actually thought it was a ‘nunnery’ but just found out that it was a Nurses Quarter and Training rooms but was...
My time with a true Shaman in Mexico
adminNo CommentsWent to Mexico a few years back and ended up on one of those pay to view tours. Apologies that I can’t remember the name of the places. Had a great time visiting the monuments...
I lost my soul friend in life
adminNo CommentsWas the dreadful day of March 6th when I lost my best friend ever ‘Charlie Boy’. We took him to a vets for a little skin tag growth on his snout but there was also...
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull
shimodaNo CommentsI met Jonathan one evening when my friend passed me a book he recently read, called Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. At the time Ugur and I along with other kids from the same apartment block were...
Flatlet House in Rhyl growing up
davidNo CommentsI was so made up to find this image in Rhyl library about 10 years ago! My god it brought all the memories flooding back. I can’t remember where I found it, maybe some old...