I can still remember my first trainers I purchased in Rhyl in the 80s. I used to walk past these beautiful trainers every day after school. Had two work 2 months with my Dad at the age of 13 to buy them. It was like walking on clouds until the next pair I saw that I wanted! Got them from ...
Ahhh, the funfair, Rhyl back in the 80s. What a time to be in Rhyl. You could start your walk from the Bright Spot Arcade and the the walk all the way up to the fair was absolutely heaving with holidaymakers everywhere. Nowadays it\’s a ghost town (yes i did hear the specials in the background then). I remember going ...
The Royal Alexander Hospital situated in the east end of Rhyl is a beautiful old victorian building. I was intigued with regards to the hsitory of the building. I remeber someone telling me years ago about a flying fox at the top of one of the spires or on one of the buildings and wanted to find out what it ...
We used to love that Cafe in Rhyl. I think I must have been about 12 and my sister 10. In the Summer Holidays our dear Aunt Nell used to catch the bus down from Rhyl on a Friday and we used to either meet her off the Crosville Bus in the old bus station in Rhyl (which is now ...
It’s funny how you always remember that one special teacher in school. Back in the 80s in Rhyl High School in North Wales i think most peoples favourite teacher was the Art teacher Mr Brian Hughes. This guy was just so cool and would talk about everything and anything and just let you be yourself. Another side of him is ...
Rhyl Sun Centre….some might say a misspent youth but i loved the place in the 80s. Spent most of my teen years in there and they were some very happy times. My sister and I used to get a free pass because our parents used to have a flatlet house in Beechwood Road and we advertised the Sun Centre. We ...