The Royal Alexander Hospital situated in the east end of Rhyl is a beautiful old victorian building. I was intigued with regards to the hsitory of the building. I remeber someone telling me years ago about a flying fox at the top of one of the spires or on one of the buildings and wanted to find out what it ...
I love visiting Castles around the UK and thought i would visit Gwyrch Castle which is located in Abergele, North Wales. I was quite dissapointed to find out that it is not actually a Castle as the Trust and ‘I’m a so called Celebrity’ like to portray it as one. It is just a country house, not a Castle, never ...
I made a CD of mixed music to play for when my daughter was being born. She was born to a very special song “The Coors – What can I do” so that song has such a strong emotional attachment to it every-time I hear it. Although life hasn’t turned out the way I expected and her mum and I ...
We used to love that Cafe in Rhyl. I think I must have been about 12 and my sister 10. In the Summer Holidays our dear Aunt Nell used to catch the bus down from Rhyl on a Friday and we used to either meet her off the Crosville Bus in the old bus station in Rhyl (which is now ...
I remember lots of sweets from the 80s but oh my god, my fave has to be \’The Texan Bar\’. I can\’t really explain the taste as it was so unusual. It was milk chocolate on the outside and a kind of yellow tough nougat on the inside that was impossible to bite through. Dentists and Mums hated it! They ...
Liked this addition even less than the 2000 Millenium sign. Not sure what year this came down but it was so great going back and seeing the Spaceship Earth with nothing attached for the first time!ep ...
I think this was in 2001 was most excited when we visited Kennedy Space Centre to see they were getting ready for a launch and the shuttle was on the pad. We were all really disappointed that we missed the launch though! ...
A photo of our beautiful labs Charlie and Rosie who are Mother and Son. Charlie is nearly one year old now and Rosie had a littler of 7 beautiful labs this time last year. When Charlie was born his whole body would shake continously and he just used all his energy to drag himself across the floor. We were certain ...
I’m sure my sister will agree with this memory. Back in the 80s as our parents ran a flatlet and guest house we didn’t get a day off in the summer holidays as the rooms were always full with guests. So our treat was to go to Alton Towers on a school day, usually in september when school had just ...
Doesn’t seem like 5 min since I was buying these but it’s nearly 12 years now. Brings back such memories of her proudly walking round Clarke’s in Tamworth with such a big smile on her face! Where does the time go!!! ...